No time to write, that's the problem.
Oh well.
So let me try to catch you up on some things:
1) My mom's boyfriend has moved out (thank god)
2) One of my seven dogs died
3)My dad, his girlfriend, their dogs, and my sister and I are moving.
To Italy.
No one could describe the feelings that currently revel inside of my tummy.
My mom doesn't know if she wants us to go, but I don't really mind.
This is how it would go.
My dad leaves on the day after Thanksgiving (friday?)
His girlfriend (Mary) stays is beautiful California until our house (in the middle of Bumfuck, Egypt) is sold.
My sister and I stay with our mother in town (where I actually have a life)
On the last days of school Olivia (sib) and I (Max)pack like the madwomen that we are.
We leave from SF Int. the next morning.
Fly from SF Int. to Schiphol, NL.
Stay with family (btw, I'll get to see Bas again. To find our more, read the entry before this one)
I will declare my love fearlessly and we will be happy.
Two weeks after, we fly from Schiphol, NL to Lombardy, Italy.
Take the train to Bologna.
And we're here!!
I am ecstatic. Not so much the idea of Italy rather then the idea of seeing my boy
he looks like this:
Yupyup, this is my McDreamy.
What a guy, I know.
The last time I saw him he took me out on a boat and made dinner for me, and he slept (not sex, just hugging, god...) under the stars on the deck.
And that morning we sailed around the Harbor.
I'll write more when I'm actually there :D
Now while I'm swooning over Prince Charming here, I have totally forgotten about everything else in life. My sister has gone from stupid, prepubescent little girl to my best friend and my father is becoming... *Gasp* ... old.
Dun dun duuuuuun (dramatic music)
My mother has gone from nice neighbor lady to insane housewife, and I'm stuck here with nothing but a pad of paper and an orange gel pen, writing and observing everything I can.
Well, this should turn out interesting.
So last week my and a good friend went Job Hunting.
Yes, it's every teen's nightmare. In fact, I thought I was going to die, but it turned out okay.
Everybody thought we looked pretty old (not wrinkly, but "mature". Duh.) and I scored some awesome apps.
One to the Regal Cinema 9. The benefits for that one are great! Five free movie tickets a month and 50% off at the snack counter.
Not bad...
Well the best one is at New Leaf (an all organic grocery store in CA)
On all the merchandise you get 25% off and extra discounts on beauty product (score one for Max!!!)
I love the hippies here.
They're so open about everything.
EXCEPT! for this one man.
I was walking down the main drag with some of my friends when we spied a pizza place. Being the bottomless pits that we are, we went in and ordered a medium pizza extra cheese.
With sodas.
So! I ate a lot, they ate a lot, all was well. We had about 5 pieces of pizza left over when all was said and done.
I asked the girl behind the counter for a box and I bought another drink. As soon as I step outside, I see this frumpy looking old guy, and his sign says "Hungry and Homeless"
(PLEASE NOTE: the sign says hungry. hungry.)
So I go up to this poor man and introduce myself.
"Hi, uhm, me and my friends have some pizza and a drink left over, would you like it?"
and what does he do?
He takes the box, throws it at me and says "I DON'T WANT FOOD I WANT MONEY BITCH. GO FUCK A DOG YOU WHORE!!"
Over reaction much?
Well, needless to say we booked it down the street, laughing out our lungs.
SO that's what's been going on in my life.
Message me so we can discuss the meaning of life!